2019 Message from Our CEO
2019 Message from Our CEO

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being part of the Novi family. What was simply an idea a few years ago has now become a rapidly-growing movement. Since that first strategic planning session at AAGO where the idea of a new type of AMS was conceived, we have worked with associations across the United States in a number of different industry verticals to build something that is truly special.
Accelerating the Change You Create
Nothing inspires our team more than hearing stories from you about how we're helping to accelerate the change that you create in your community or industry.
MMHA: Providing Unemployed with Life-Long Job Skills
Adam Skolnik at the Maryland Multi-Housing Association shared that Novi helped his staff free up a full time resource, so he was able to dust off plans for a new job training program that sat on his shelf for a decade. That program led to the full-time employment of dozens of at-risk members of his community, and work is now being copied by sister associations across the county.
GMA: Fostering Economic Growth in Georgia
Jason Moss was able to automate so many of his business practices that he doubled down on the mission of the Georgia Manufacturing Alliance. His association's work fostering economic growth and supporting Georgia's manufacturing industry was recognized by a special resolution of the Georgia House of Representatives for the impact it has made in his state.
SWFAA: Growing While Changing One AE's Life
Holli Noel called me several months ago to say that Novi changed her life, making her job "enjoyable again" and helping her to grow non-dues revenue for the Southwest Florida Apartment Association’s by 890%.
What's your story?
We love hearing from you. Stories like these are exactly why Novi as created, and we want to hear more of them!
Gathering the Novi Community
One thing we hear from you continually is that our customer service and focus on your needs creates a relationship not found elsewhere. We are working to maintain that relationship while still growing the size of this family. How can we continue to work with you to amplify the work you do while adding new clients every month? Today, we announce three new programs designed to do just that!
Novi User Summit: July 22-24, 2019 - Orlando, Florida
Novi is extremely excited to announce our first ever Novi Users' Summit. Be on the lookout for more details about the event over the next couple of weeks. This is not a conference… this is an opportunity to come together for facilitated roundtable discussions. While you will certainly hear from the Novi team, a significant amount of time will be reserved for best practice sharing and collaboration with your peers.
Weekly Roundtables
You asked – we listened. Novi will soon kickoff weekly roundtable discussions. Starting next month, Novi will host a weekly online discussion by topic: Membership, Events, E-commerce, etc. Join when you can or send your co-workers. These sessions are designed to allow for more sharing of the best ways to use Novi to support your association's goals.
Developer Hour
As you may know, Novi's product team is constantly churning out new and improved features for you. Starting in March, a member of the Novi product team will host a monthly one-hour session to live demo the work the team has completed over the past month. And you’ll also get a sneak preview of the work that is coming down the road next.
Building the Novi Community
Are you excited by the work that we're doing? Would you like to help grow this amazing community?
Share Best Practices
Make a point to attend and/or send co-workers to our new weekly roundtables. Your peers want to learn from your experiences and borrow some of your ideas.
Give Us Feedback on the Software
Continue to submit requests for Feature Upgrades through Intercom. Over the past year, our developers invested over 3,500 hours in the requests that you sent to us, resulting in 1162 new features and updates launched. We will always work to be the AMS designed by association executives, for association executives.
Share Your Story
You read three inspiring stories above about associations leveraging Novi to make an even greater impact. We want to hear your story, too! Share with us what life has been like since joining the family. Are we helping your organization make a larger impact?
Again, thank you for being such an important part of who we are today. We look forward to growing with you this year and beyond.
Founder & CEO